Are You an Anti-National?

Ever since the Azaadi brigade has terrorized the capital city of our country, one question was continuously being played in my mind: Who are these Azaadi mongrels? What type of Azaadi do they want? Why are they after this Azaadi so desperately? Are they in their correct minds? Or are they taking role-play of freedomContinue reading “Are You an Anti-National?”

The Biggest Scam in India

The other day, I suddenly had an uncontrollable crave for a pizza. So, I went to the nearest Pizza outlet in my area.  Due to the urgency in my tummy, I didn’t even gaze at the menu and ordered the same usual Pizza which I normally have. I gazed at the menu just to makeContinue reading “The Biggest Scam in India”

What exactly is ‘Free Basics’?

Before I go on describing what is Free Basics and digital equality, let me put down some actual basic explanation about the topic so widely discussed about by everybody. Tell me, what is your daily basic food requirement? Rice, dal and vegetables maybe. Or, for some it might be chapatti too. Correct? Similarly, what areContinue reading “What exactly is ‘Free Basics’?”

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