The Beardless Engineer: No Shave November

It’s that time of the year again. Beard is one thing which makes the confidence level of a male human sore record high. On the downside, it also stings a person who receives a passionate lock from another with a face filled with facial strands of hair. Romantic or not? When I was a toddler,Continue reading “The Beardless Engineer: No Shave November”

An Open Note for the Politicians

First of all, Congratulations to BJP for sweeping the recently concluded polls in several of the states. And also, congratulations to Congress for reigning supreme in Punjab. India, being the largest democracy on this planet serves a bigger responsibility towards other countries. When we proclaim about our suffrage, we feel proud to be Indians. DemocracyContinue reading “An Open Note for the Politicians”

Naturally Naughty: Kyuki Yeh Mera Viewpoint Hai

Imagine you are planning a long holiday with your family or friends. Based on what, would you choose the place you would visit? Would you explore on the net the various destinations or major attractions situated in those places like a beach or a wildlife sanctuary? Would you not gaze through catalogues of various harborsContinue reading “Naturally Naughty: Kyuki Yeh Mera Viewpoint Hai”

Are You an Anti-National?

Ever since the Azaadi brigade has terrorized the capital city of our country, one question was continuously being played in my mind: Who are these Azaadi mongrels? What type of Azaadi do they want? Why are they after this Azaadi so desperately? Are they in their correct minds? Or are they taking role-play of freedomContinue reading “Are You an Anti-National?”

The Biggest Scam in India

The other day, I suddenly had an uncontrollable crave for a pizza. So, I went to the nearest Pizza outlet in my area.  Due to the urgency in my tummy, I didn’t even gaze at the menu and ordered the same usual Pizza which I normally have. I gazed at the menu just to makeContinue reading “The Biggest Scam in India”

The Wicked Journey from a Playing Field to Playstore!

Before you proceed to read this post, perform a task which you can relate later on. Put off the cellular data or wifi in your cellphone and keep it away from you in a place where you can see it but cannot touch it. You will have a continuous urge to grab it back butContinue reading “The Wicked Journey from a Playing Field to Playstore!”

Assembly elections 2016: My experience

It was time for elections once again. The Assembly elections were already creating much buzz around this Bihu season. Political parties had already made life too unbearable with those intolerable ads all over, whether it is newspapers or road hoardings or youtube videos buffering at 1 Megabyte per second!. Political awareness and campaigns took toContinue reading “Assembly elections 2016: My experience”

Is India giving birth to food-Taliban?

Long back, in the year 1947, the year when our big nation was partitioned to form two separate nations, our leaders virtually boasted of some great expectations. Expectations that people living in this side of the country will have better life conditions. Expectations that India would be a secular state unlike Pakistan. Expectations that IndiansContinue reading “Is India giving birth to food-Taliban?”

Who is an Assamese?

One year to the state polls and the very funny thing about our state Assam: We don’t have a definition about who is an ‘Assamese’! So, a year later we are going to have yet another state election and we are struck in the midst of an undefined group of indigenous people. Who is actuallyContinue reading “Who is an Assamese?”

Of Gandhi, Godse and the Choice!

“Good and evil both co-exist in this world” As the saying goes, the world is balanced by both the good people and the bad ones. Even though it isn’t in our abilities to control, the bad has strived through generations without much ado. It is very important as to what we ought to choose toContinue reading “Of Gandhi, Godse and the Choice!”

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