CBSE v SEBA: Game of Allegations!

The shortest month of the year, the month of love has finally ended. And that could mean only one thing: Exam season for school students. While I use to hate the month of March during my schooling days, it is now part of a nostalgia filled memory at my present age. Being still in theContinue reading “CBSE v SEBA: Game of Allegations!”

The Biggest Scam in India

The other day, I suddenly had an uncontrollable crave for a pizza. So, I went to the nearest Pizza outlet in my area.  Due to the urgency in my tummy, I didn’t even gaze at the menu and ordered the same usual Pizza which I normally have. I gazed at the menu just to makeContinue reading “The Biggest Scam in India”

Happy Teachers’ Day!

Can you imagine life without our teachers? Ok, wait! Let me rephrase it. You needn’t imagine anything like that as each and every one of us is truly blessed with wonderful teachers in our lives. Learning would have been quite nasty without our lovely teachers. Let us take a moment to look back. Remember theContinue reading “Happy Teachers’ Day!”

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