CBSE v SEBA: Game of Allegations!

The shortest month of the year, the month of love has finally ended. And that could mean only one thing: Exam season for school students. While I use to hate the month of March during my schooling days, it is now part of a nostalgia filled memory at my present age. Being still in theContinue reading “CBSE v SEBA: Game of Allegations!”

The Gangs of Swami-Pur: The Indian Godmen

Have you ever wondered how India is such a developed country? Have you ever wondered how poverty has been eradicated from our country? Have you ever wondered how has the mass problem of unemployment been solved? Or why Indians are the happiest bunch of humans on the planet? Have you ever wondered? That’s the onlyContinue reading “The Gangs of Swami-Pur: The Indian Godmen”

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