The Beardless Engineer: No Shave November

It’s that time of the year again. Beard is one thing which makes the confidence level of a male human sore record high. On the downside, it also stings a person who receives a passionate lock from another with a face filled with facial strands of hair. Romantic or not? When I was a toddler,Continue reading “The Beardless Engineer: No Shave November”

1.2 Billion Shades of Brown: Are We Racist?

India is a very diverse country. People of all religion and caste reside here. Constitutionally speaking, India is also one of the very few secular countries on this planet. Doesn’t this sound quite clichéd? We have been taught right from our school days about the extent of diversity our country boasts in terms of area,Continue reading “1.2 Billion Shades of Brown: Are We Racist?”

The Biggest Scam in India

The other day, I suddenly had an uncontrollable crave for a pizza. So, I went to the nearest Pizza outlet in my area.  Due to the urgency in my tummy, I didn’t even gaze at the menu and ordered the same usual Pizza which I normally have. I gazed at the menu just to makeContinue reading “The Biggest Scam in India”

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