Are You an Anti-National?

Ever since the Azaadi brigade has terrorized the capital city of our country, one question was continuously being played in my mind: Who are these Azaadi mongrels? What type of Azaadi do they want? Why are they after this Azaadi so desperately? Are they in their correct minds? Or are they taking role-play of freedom fighters in their theatres too seriously? Or simply put, are they clowns?

Remember the one mischievous sibling in your family? Remember how they would taunt you. And after losing your cool and taking out the necessary action on them, you beat him up for that. They then start to cry and frown about. Now all the blame would fall upon you and you get the world of scolding from your mom.

Doesn’t it sound familiar? Aren’t these honest anti-nationals who don’t need certificates of patriotism behaving in a similar manner? Seems they are similar parasites on a larger scale and yes, with more violence within them. I am not comparing them. I am leaving the right to judgement at your discretion. So spare me!

But let me justify their actions on an even larger scale. They are our real heroes. In fact, they are the freedom fighters that every country deserves. If only they were born some 150 years ago, the British wouldn’t have even dreamt of invading India. Koh-i-noor would have still been in one of the museums in a lush city of our country. Cricket would’ve been an alien sport in India. English wouldn’t have been such a passionate language among the pseudo-elites of our country. And most importantly, we would have been spared from watching the horrible movie ‘Mangal Pandey’. Do you even remember that great motion picture? No pun intended.

Anti-Nationalism? Come on! They might support Pakistan whole-heartedly during an India-Pakistan match but who are we to label charges of anti-loyalty towards them? Their mission is simple. Educational institutes are meant for protests and slogans against anything which the Government preaches. They hate our country but love our country. Wait, what? They support people who have bombarded prestigious places like the Parliament. Afzal Guru was actually a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize! Who are we to wrongly certify him? They also show sympathy towards people being hanged for terrorist activities. What is wrong in that? Dawood would love these loyalists besides him. ISIS requires these angel companions near them too! In fact, Bin Laden would’ve loved a little act of companionship from these peace mongrels at his greatest times of despair. 2011 was such an important year in the history of his life. Sigh!

Let me say this straight. Studies are merely an excuse of disparity. We actually need Azaadi. We all need it. Education is just a side business in great Universities and colleges. But in our National Capital, students have been enlightened enough to finally come out of the dark closet and are actively trying to lead us to a path of glory. If only, other great places of knowledge would’ve realized this and allow us to organize anti-National rallies. What is wrong if these students want to see Kashmir break away from our country? What is wrong if I want to break India into pieces? What is wrong if they support Afzal Guru? What is wrong if they love Rahul Gandhi to the core? What is wrong if he is immature? What is wrong if he states that Gujarat is larger than the entire planet? What is wrong in any of these? Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of whatever! Freedom is the key word. In fact, next time someone rejects your marriage proposal, just organize a protest against him or her in front of their home. Rioting is the answer to every mystery on this planet! Large Hadron Collider is just a fluke! No doesn’t mean no? No means yes! In fact, the word no shouldn’t even exist.

Why should you preach Nationalism? It is merely a façade which translates to being illiterate. If you want to be recognized, get some media attention or want to be considered among the greatest of intellectuals in our country, just say that you are an anti-National. Just claim that you hate India. Return all your awards, if any. Don’t stand up during the National Anthem and yeah, get a tattoo of ‘I Hate Modi’ on your forehead!

Welcome to the Azaadi squad, my friend!

Published by Aquarian Scribbler

Currently pursuing mechanical engineering, I may sound a little bit of dizzy at times but trust me, I am not how I look like. A blogger by hobby, I generally try to bring out a piece or two of humour, but vehemently may not produce the same effect. By the way, I am a big fan of Manchester United.

11 thoughts on “Are You an Anti-National?

  1. Loved that sibling example, certain issues are best left ignored, let them shout slogans at the top of thier voice but breaking down by use of force and vicious means won't be entertained. I just heard what shehla rashid had to say in PRATIRODH 2 , be she a pawn in a political game or anything lets not let the police or central govt or even state govts to curb voices by wrong means. People like her are ryt in one frame of ref, modiji in his, citizens in theirs, lets not suppress any voice. Just ignore the bits of garbage and junk from each one of theirs statement. We are still great as a country and you are grooming into a great blogger


  2. You seem like an irritated unemployed engineer who could not get into ant top college and ended up studying in a third class college by paying donation. Not only you lack knowledge, also you write shit.


  3. Hey! Are you trying to suck BJP and AVBP's dick? Because you really suck at interpreting facts and writing. And since you suck so well, you may as well suck their dick. Might take you to some place eh?I can understand the how frustrated you might have been.


  4. What is happening now is nothing but a turf war between two groups affiliated to political parties. We should not dignify this gang war into a clash of ideologies. However, if the \”right\” had just ignored the anti-nationals then this would not have become a nation-wide issue of debate, and we would have continued with life as usual. The fact that the \”right\” gets so riled up over the shouting of slogans only points to their own sense of insecurity. Not in a thousand years will any amount of sloganeering lead to a partition of the country, if that's what they are afraid of. The Constitution guarantees that.\”They are our real heroes. In fact, they are the freedom fighters that every country deserves. If only they were born some 150 years ago, the British wouldn’t have even dreamt of invading India.\” Now this is just preposterous. I am no judge of character but I can safely say that these thugs are not even a speck on the dicks of our great freedom fighters. Also, I would like to remind you of the fact that RSS was the organisation responsible for killing Gandhi. So, they actually were around at that time too, see. If there had been more they would have probably killed Ambedkar, Nehru, Patel and everyone else too. Great success.(PS. This is not an anonymous comment. I am your friend Sandipan.)


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