I Love You: A Valentine’s Day Tale

The sun rose from the East like every other day. As dawn summoned, the birds chirped their voices that reached every corner of the neighbourhood houses. The newspaper vendors were busy cycling from door to door delivering the morning papers. The milkmen were busy carting milk to every local household. The little children were dressed up for their active day in school as well. The morning unusually becomes busy with a swift rate.

An old gentleman sat on a seat under the shade of the trees. Glancing through the busy surroundings, he sported a quiet smile. It was the same habitual morning for the elderly person. He picked up his walking stick and prepared himself to leave. The peaceful society in which he spent his entire life often reminded him of his early childhood. The early morning sounds kept his smirk intact. The honest grin brightened him. The walking stick was barely used to support his steps. He had clutched onto it with a delicate grip. He smiled at every person he met along his way. His footsteps clearly showing the young heart he possessed. He would occasionally adjust the golf cap he wore on his aging arch. Years of thoughtful processes might have tattooed creases along his temple but the bloom within him shadowed every sign of antagonism. He would occasionally slow his steps down to adjust his ageing body. All through this, his lips would remain in a fragile curved manner.

As he reached his house, the watchman opened the gates and a helper came forward to support him towards the entrance door. A middle aged woman opened the door and led him in. The old gentleman never loses his energy until he reaches home. The loneliness hardly posed any obstacle. The big front hall lay with flushing furniture and blooming fenestra. There were colossal posters of monuments from his native place, which admonished so many recollections. Amidst all this, there lay one minutia which was particularly unique in contrast to the other items: A bouquet of flowers. At first glance, it resembles real blossoms. But on a closer look, it reveals its ersatz. It probably lost its brightness and luster. It was seemingly very old, yet prized. But the way it was kept, it affirms the specialty associated with it. The old gentleman took a glimpse at it. His smile became even broader. He sat down on the sofa. His gaze became even merrier. Age couldn’t snatch away the feeling of ecstasy he had, every time he looked at the most precious thing he kept so delicately over these years. His eyes sparkled with rapture. He wanted to bring it closer but he was too tired to stance. Fatigue wasn’t an issue decades ago, when that piece of antique first came to his hands. Time stood in his way in that moment. If there was a way of reversing time, he would’ve gone back to that day and change the course of allotment. Miracle wasn’t a rule of nature. The cluster of elation he had on his face remained intact. The impression of the beautiful young girl which stood in front of his eyes lived far away. Courage was something which was absent in his dictionary when he met her. He knew there was no return. Life wasn’t a divine place for everyone. But he denatured sorrow into a thing of refinement. The idea of her prosperity was something which he had always cherished and would continue to do so throughout the years to come. The human nature isn’t wobbly as people perceive it to be. For one concluding time he stood up, paved towards the huge, round table and picked up the bouquet. A small parchment was attached to it. The ink almost got faded away. He adjusted his glasses. The letters imprinted on it made him poignant. The three words still remained fresh within his remembrance.

“I love you” once again illuminated his Mind Palace.

Published by Aquarian Scribbler

Currently pursuing mechanical engineering, I may sound a little bit of dizzy at times but trust me, I am not how I look like. A blogger by hobby, I generally try to bring out a piece or two of humour, but vehemently may not produce the same effect. By the way, I am a big fan of Manchester United.

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