Why do we remain frustrated with our lives?

Can you take a moment and recall your precious days of childhood. Recall the amount of innocence, cheerfulness and playfulness involved. Moreover, it was a time where stress didn’t have any place. Now compare that time with the present. Haven’t you noticed any differences?

Can you think of any legitimate reasons for this visible contrast between the two stages? Why do these even exist? Can any of these expected discrepancies be avoided? Or is this the common rule of nature?

Most of us are beginning to hate this period of adulthood. We often complain that childhood was the best time of our lives. And being adults have only increased the burden of life. If you don’t believe me, see for all the resenting faces around you. Frustration is fast becoming a common phenomenon among the young adults of today. Is there absolutely no way to make adulthood the best period just like childhood? No?

One of the many reasons for this sad reality is education in our country. Many people will deny but it is the spurious civilization that we live in. We were never prepared in a proper manner for this journey of adulthood. The system shaped us in such a way that we became totally reliable upon the guidance of our teachers and friends even after we had passed out from our colleges. It is the main reason why many of us get stranded in this journey of life. As children we live a life which is far different from what real life is all about. And as citizens of a developing nation, if we are to follow this path for generations to come, India would never be upgraded to the list of developed countries even in the near future. Is there no way out? Or has the matter left from within our grips?

The first and foremost thing that must be done is modify our educational system. From a very tender age, we have always been taught only about ‘what is education’ and the long list of boring theories that came along with it. Why should we be taught things which we would never ever apply in real life later on? The one main thing which our great decision makers failed to understand over the years is they have been producing robots out of this system, whose sole purpose is to blindly follow others. Rather than the present arrangement, the emphasis should be given to ‘Why education’ or ‘How education’ would serve in our lives later on. In present times, the sole purpose remains on scoring high marks and securing the best of results which has destroyed many a lives of children. Remember how so much stress is given to class 10 Boards Exams? It sucks the soul out of students. The apotheosis then shifts to class 12 Boards Exams as we reach higher secondary section. This is the time where most of the students are lost in their way when they are enrolled into Science stream, the root cause of so many dream-breakers! From here the ambition becomes even greater. Engineering or Medical are the only two options that are left for grabs! Anything lower is considered a big taboo! No wonder the rate of suicides among Indian teens is so high, sadly! India has become an enormous factory of engineers. It is not a case of astonishment that unemployment is so high in our country too!

Leadership qualities need to be entrusted upon students from a very tender age. Chasing others has always been the main criteria amongst the younger generations. Nobody is willing to achieve anything unique for the fear of failure. This is the reason why success is calculated only in terms of educational qualification and a stale job. In today’s India, most of the people didn’t even choose the life they are living right now; they just got adjusted. This is why no one is enjoying life There should not be any room for excuses as to why a person didn’t pursue his dreams. The freedom to think beyond one’s imagination shouldn’t be snatched away from anybody. Career options should not only be limited to the field of studies. Hence the façade of keeping one’s passion as just pastime hobby should be eradicated. Being an educated personality is one thing but it shouldn’t be a Universal Rule for judging us solely on that criteria.

The path to greatness obviously is filled with big obstacles. We need to eradicate concerns for any kind of misstep which is ultimately the greatest enemy of a human being. Let’s all stand up for a change so that the upcoming generation has a clearer path in this amazing journey of life. A definite plan needs to be laid out. This transition may take time but ultimately would lead to elated lives.

Jai Hind.

Published by Aquarian Scribbler

Currently pursuing mechanical engineering, I may sound a little bit of dizzy at times but trust me, I am not how I look like. A blogger by hobby, I generally try to bring out a piece or two of humour, but vehemently may not produce the same effect. By the way, I am a big fan of Manchester United.

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